Sovereign Immigration Consulting PTE Ltd.
Creating Opportunity.
Investment Options
The National Development Fund (NDF) is established under section 42(2) of the Finance Administration Act 2006 of the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda for the purpose of funding government sponsored projects, including public‐ private partnerships and approved charitable investments. Acquisition of citizenship under the NDF investment option requires a contribution to the National Development Fund in the minimum sum of US$100,000.00 per application. The contribution is in the form of a one‐time payment. A single application may cover the applicant, the applicant’s spouse, dependent children and dependent parents over 65 years of age with no additional NDF contribution required. However, government and due diligence fees will be payable per each individual as prescribed by the Regulations.
Under the Real Estate Option an applicant must acquire real estate designated and approved by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda with minimum investment of at least US$400,000.00 plus the payment of government processing fees and due diligence fees.Two or more applicants may apply jointly for citizenship by investment under this option provided that each applicant contributes the minimum investment of US$400,000.00. Further, beneficial ownership of real estate is permissible through a non‐ profit company provided that the company has issued all of its authorized shares to the applicant(s), is established and is in good standing under the laws of Antigua and Barbuda, is not an exempt or offshore entity and submits irrefutable evidence as to its beneficial ownership, which evidence shall be certified by the Registrar of Companies. The real estate acquired under this option shall not be re‐sold until 5 years after the purchase have expired or unless the initial applicant is purchasing alternate real estate in Antigua and Barbuda approved under the programme. An application for citizenship by investment under the real estate option shall be submitted to the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) once a binding purchase and sale agreement has been signed with a developer of an approved project.
Under the Investment Option, the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) shall after consultation with the Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority (ABIA) approve businesses, whether existing or proposed, for the purposes of investment in business under the Citizenship by Investment Program.
The two business investment options are:
1. Where a person proposes to make an investment in an approved business of at least US$1.5 Million on his own behalf.
2. At least two persons propose to make a joint investment in such an approved business totaling at least US$5 Million and each of those persons individually propose to contribute at least US$400,000.00 to the joint investment. Any potential applicant(s) under this investment option should make contact and have initial discussions with the Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority (ABIA) to discuss their proposal.